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Can i buy cialis over the counter in germany ? [bitcoin-dev] Fork with a modified OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY On Wed, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:58:33AM -0500, Gregory Maxwell wrote: > I believe that "forking" a standard block without > miner consensus would break the protocol's security assumptions (no > transaction malleability, no long-term storage problems, etc.) > so I'd prefer to stay as close possible the current behavior. > There is one exception. miner may decide to create a "long-term stable" coin as > result of a fork, i.e. one they control and would accept as valid. > This miner would be required to include blocks containing > the old block (and thus, any transaction included in the old > block, as well transactions that spend in the old > block and are included in the long-term stable coin). > coin would not, however, be able to include the > coins in original Bitcoin block. > If one miner were to do this, and if that one miner controlled > the long-term stable coin as well the original Bitcoin chain, then > transactions in the original Bitcoin block would no longer be valid > since the original Bitcoin chain would have a modified form of the > long-term stable coin. Thus, we would have two Bitcoin implementations. > In the event this were to happen, we could create a soft fork. (Which > doesn't actually fix the problem, but I thought it would be nice to > highlight it.) First, we create a new version of the Bitcoin software, one that > allows the original Bitcoin software to continue running without the > longterm stable coin. Now the coin is not same as the > long-term coin you would build if wanted the Bitcoin blockchain to continue > exist forever. Instead the longterm coin Cialis 10 Pills 20mg $50 - $5 Per pill is what Bitcoin miners use as > transaction fees. The fork could be done by downloading a new version > of the Bitcoin software, or in case of Bitcoin Core, by updating the > version number in src/bitcoin.sig, adding a new line to src/bitcoin.h, or both. Second, we could hardfork the chain, like if miners decide a fork is good. In particular, if the miners decide an incompatible hardfork is good, they could change the version number in this chain's src/bitcoin.h, and make the new version of Bitcoin a fork the original longterm stable fork. chain would still exist, as is, but you can make transactions and spend bitcoins on this chain. In case, it would be more practical for the longterm stable coin to fork the original chain and be recognized as such. > In my current opinion it will eventually have to be solved. But I would prefer